
[Unity] Mixamo Animation

루벤초이 2023. 1. 15. 20:28

Import FBX for Unity from Mixamo with Animations

Select FBX for Unity and download (1 With Skin and Without Skin for the rest).

Mixamo[Website] 2023.1.14. URL:

Copy .fbx files to Unity project folder.
Drag a .fbx (with skin) to the scene but the material would not linked. Then create Materials/ and Textures. and in Inspector tab, (Bake Axis Conversion recommended) Extract Textures... and Materials... (and select the directory)

Copy .fbx files and create Materials/, Textures/
Extract Textures... Materials...

In Inspector tab when .fbx with skin is selected, set Rig option as follows: (then Apply)

Set Rig option for .fbx with skin

In Inspector tab when .fbx WITHOUT skin is selected, set Rig option as follows: (then Apply)

Set Rig option for .fbx without skin

Let's Animate

Project - Create - AnimationController
In Inspector - Animator - set Controller

Window - Animation - Animator, then drag animations.

Set Rigidbody and Collider, Animation Trigger, Script, and so on.

