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NFT & Opensea.io

루벤초이 2022. 12. 29. 20:12

Let's create my own NFT art and sell them to Opensea 


We need Ethereum wallet to create Opensea account. MetaMask is one of the wallet and it is so easy to create.


  • Open Chrome browser with your google account and go to https://metamask.io/
  • Click Download to install MetaMask (as Chrome extension) and restart the browser.
  • Run the extension as follow:

  • Follow the instructions and do NOT miss the video about secure wallet. It is really important.


Open https://opensea.io/ and connect wallet.

Create Collection

Create collection is not required to create NFT item, however it is needed to set the creator fees.

Put your wallet address and earning fees in Creator fees.

Create Item

Create an item.


Now sell the item.

You can set the price and so on.

People says gas fee is required when listing items for the first time, however it doesn't seem to be at the moment. 
